If God be for us!

"If God be for us, who can be against us," Romans 8:31.   Personalize those words so they will apply to you.  Say, "If God be for me," and then bring to your mind a picture of all the things you think are against you.  Now, bring a picture into your mind of God facing your obstacles.  Can they stand against God?  Practice this until it builds an incredible strength in you.  No problem, obstacle, or difficulty needs to defeat you.  Accept that as a fact, hold it confidently and firmly in your mind until it becomes a reality. Remember, this must be done with a humble faith in God and not an inflated faith in your own power.  Everyday fill and refill your mind to overflowing with that kind of faith until your thoughts and thinking has been completely renewed. 

Faith, the greatest power in the world, moves mountains and throws obstacles aside. It overrides so-called impossibilities.  It crushes fear. It makes life vital, dynamic and joyful.  The answer to all of your struggles, to all your defeats, and to all your hopes as well, is faith!  Wholehearted, enthusiastic faith in a God who believes in you so much that He sent His Son to perfectly redeem and restore you back to Himself and by the power of His Holy Spirit came to live in you!  "If God be for us, who can be against us."

Action steps:

1). Right this moment bring to mind all the things you think are against you, and begin to see God facing them with you.

2). Memorize the following. "If you have faith..nothing shall be impossible to you," Matthew 17:20. "If you can believe, all things are possible to him that believes," Mark. 9:23.

3). Remember, God is for you and nothing shall succeed as your enemy.  

-Dr. Rob Carman, Is the founder of Victory World Missions, a prolific author, church planter and well-know conference speaker. www.robcarman.com