Accept Your Destiny – Find Happiness

A significant portion of our world today is looking for their destiny, trying to find inner peace and happiness. I’m no expert on this subject, and in a short blog, I cannot do it justice. I can share with you what has worked for me and the thousands that I’ve had the opportunity to share this knowledge with. I do not mean to say I haven’t had my struggles, disappointments, and doubts, but I’ve also discovered some truths that have lifted me, brought about a sense of destiny, inner peace, and greater personal happiness.

A report has stated that four out of five people are unhappy! How about you? I think all of us want to be happy, have inner peace and live a fulfilled life of purpose and destiny. So, who will decide our happiness, inner peace, personal destiny? Listen, when our moods and emotions are tied to our circumstances and events in our life, we will always be at the mercy of the unknown.

Emerson said: “A political victory, a rise in rent, the recovery of your sick, or the return of your absent friend, or some other external event, raises your spirit, and you think good days are here. Don’t believe it. It can never be so; nothing can bring peace but yourself.” Abraham Lincoln said, “People were just about as happy as they made up their minds to be.” Compare the great Napoleon and Helen Keller. Napoleon had power, riches, and glory. He said, “I have never known six happy days in my life.” Helen Keller who was born blind, deaf and mute said, “I have found life so beautiful.”

So who decides? We do! How?

1) Get rid of things that produce unhappiness, a lack of inner peace and fulfillment. Remove the unhappy thoughts, the negative outlook, eliminate the resentments, the gloom, fear, and worries of life and begin to fill your thoughts with joy, optimism, faith, and hope.

2) Stop creating comparisons; you are who you are. You are original, unique, and one of a kind. Be yourself.

3) See yourself. The only way you can be yourself is to see yourself. Since God created you let Him introduce you to you! He didn’t make a mistake. You are the right person at the right time at the right place. You have a destiny that only you can fulfill.

4) You have been given life in days, not years, months, or weeks. Live each day like it was the only day because it is.

If the words, destiny, inner peace, and happiness appeal to you, find out more. Download my series, “The Mind, Mental and Emotional Health.”

You can, preview the first part of my series called “The Mind, Mental and Emotional Health” to start learning how to live happily.

Buy the full series here

-Dr. Rob Carman, Is the founder of Victory World Missions, a prolific author, church planter and well-know conference speaker.