Mustard Seed Ministry

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What does God think about me?

Looking back on my first week at Bible College I see now that God was shaping my identity. I remember thinking during my first week at Bible College is this how it is going to be, I can only imagine what the next few years were going to be like, in a good way. All that week the Lord kept speaking and pulling me closer and closer to Him. Understanding the context for me during this time, here I was unsure about everything because I left my career in the hotel restaurant industry and it had seemed that all I know to do was surrender. When I moved to were the Bible College was I had not found a job yet, so I spent most of my time in prayer, worshipping God, and Bible study. I thought I had surrendered everything but God wanted more and that was my heart and mind. As it is written in Mark 12:30-31(NKJV) And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength. This is the first commandment. Spending a lot of time in prayer, Bible study and worship; during this time God was speaking to me, but I felt that I was an unworthy person that does not deserve anything or God to speak to me. Feeling of over whelming peace of God and contentment where I was and what I was doing. I started to really understand that God cares so much for me. If God cares so much about me and He wants me to hear from Him to be more like Him. Then it is also true that God cares about everyone else on this earth. This is where I believe when a Christian really understands Who’s they are, and what God has done and is doing today they will want to go and tell everyone that would listen.     

That first week listening to different speakers I could relate to everything they were saying as it made me think more about how I got here and the different decision I had made to be where I was it is now part of my testimony. The year was 2006 for me which was the year that God was going “to better myself” this is God’s vision for my life. Lead by the Spirit to better myself in mind, learning, heart, and loving others. This was my perfect world what would hinder this or what would be the common stumbling blocks that I would need to avoid.

1)     Find a good local Church and plug in.

2)     Matthew 6:33 seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you. Job 31:1, and John 13:24.

3)     Truly connect with my roommate as a brother in Christ.

4)     Be a good steward of my money. 

God is not going to microwave me; He is going to marinate me to His perfection. I have put myself on God’s surgery table and God is going to make it a process. During this process God wanted me to do ministry in pain. As we can see in Matthew 14:11-14 in this passage Jesus is told about John the Baptist being beheaded. In v.13 Jesus withdrew to a solitary place but not for long Jesus arrived crowds of people were there and v.14 Jesus had compassion on them and healed their sick. Even in my pain, I must have character and when grieving/ hurting I still must have compassion for others. As we see in 1 Peter 2:21-23 (NKJV) For to this you were called, because Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an example, that you should follow His steps: “Who committed no sin,
Nor was deceit found in His mouth”; who, when He was reviled, did not revile in return
; when He suffered, He did not threaten, but committed Himself to Him who judges righteously; and in 1 Peter 3:8-9 (NKJV) Finally, all of you be of one mind, having compassion for one another; love as brothers, be tenderhearted, be courteous;[a] 9 not returning evil for evil or reviling for reviling, but on the contrary blessing, knowing that you were called to this, that you may inherit a blessing. Remember we should understand we are called out from this world and what makes a Christian different then everyone is by following Jesus, do I need to say more. Four keys to Ministering in pain:

1) It requires genuine love and concern.

2) Having the ability to look beyond your own pain.  This one reminds me of a time when I was in Church and The Pastor just finished with a fiery massage and he called those that were hurting to come down front for prayer.  I answered the call and walked forward to the front.  All I could do is to go to my knees in tears.  As I was on my knees a little boy was on his knees beside me crying as well but not for himself but for his Father to come to know Jesus Christ.  I stopped praying for me and my needs and started praying for this boy and his Father.

3) Die to yourself and serve others for Christ.

4) Learn to rely upon the Lord’s strength during times of weakness. I cannot bale when I get hurt. 

How can I keep effective when I do not have character, I can not. I most have character. Having character will enable me to minster in pain. (2 Peter 1:2-8) Character – One of the attributes or features that make up and distinguish the individual; a person marked by notable traits; moral excellence and firmness. All Christians should never be too careful about sin. 2 Samuel 11:1-4, seven contributors to a spirituality dangerous environment:

1) Irresponsibility,

2) Location,

3) Laziness,

4) Immodesty (If the spirit of Immodesty is not dealt with it will turn in to immorality.), 5) Vision,

6) Companions,

7) Thoughts.

I could go in to detail on each one but at this time I will just list them.  I do not know where I heard this from but it has stuck with me for years is that “a person’s anointing will take them to great place but it is their character that will keep them there.”

So what about the question what does God think about me? Then ask God now and when you hear what He thinks of you then go and praise God and go and make disciple.   

- Donnelly Cameron