Mustard Seed Ministry

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Tears & Alabaster Jar

Prayer is so important. Prayer is touching God, and to reach the world we must do it through prayer first. In Luke 18:1 Jesus told his disciples a parable to show them not to give up on praying. Jesus also said “My house will be called a house of prayer for all nations” Mark 11:17.  In James 4:3 is all about our motives for praying, what motivation and why are we praying. It is clear to me that God wants us to pray selflessness. I know at times I can pray God please let me get this job, God please let me get this raise, and God give me this and that so I can give more.  God wants to hear from our mouth which is poring out from our heart “Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us today our daily bread. Forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.” Matthew 6:9-13. Prayer is acknowledging of a need that we can not fix, but we have a Friend that does, and he calls us friend.

This past week while studying the word of God the book of Luke 7:37-50 opened my eyes to what Jesus is all about and what He wants from us. These verses are about Jesus being anointed by a sinful woman. The Blood of Jesus Christ was not shade for our issues or things in our lives, but for our sin. We must confess our sin to Jesus so He can forgive us. This woman brought her tears and an alabaster jar of perfume and poured her heart out with tears and the perfume on His feet and wiped them with her hair. To understand the value of this perfume and the amount she poured out at that time it would have been a year of wages, so she gave everything she had and much more. She poured it all out and God wants us to pour out all of our worship and the best to Him. If we hold something back then that is the thing we worship. The true since of what God wants from us is to give everything we have to Him.

I remember one night I was talking on the phone with a Brother in Christ and we were catching up on what we have been doing. He told me that one night when a group of his friends were out preaching in the streets. He began talking with a man about God and how to have a personal relationship with God. Before they departed from one another my Brother in Christ gave this man his shoes and his Bible that he has had for a long time with study notes and underline words. At that time My Brother in Christ gave this man everything he had. Luke 7:38 She brought humility, and she came to Jesus in brokenness. We have to come in brokenness in tears and come to Jesus as we are. This woman did not say ‘Jesus is in that house, so let me go and clean up and put some nice cloths on and clean my life up before I see Him’.  No, she came as she was a sinner and what she had to give was her tears and perfume. When I gave my life to Christ back in July 2000 I brought all my sin and let me tell you it was a yoke that lifted off of me when I gave it over to the Lord that night. The Lord has been molding me since that time and making it a process and I love it. I sing to my King with a love song about how He found me in my brokenness and I give Him thanksgiving.  My King sings over me and over everyone {that you are my beloved and my bride so come away with me my love, so we can stand face to face and I can not see any stains on you my child you are beautiful to me so beautiful to me. I sing over you my song of peace, cased all your cares down at my feet come and find your rest in me.} God has overtaken me and has taken my bitterness and making something sweet from it. We must come to Jesus with humility, brokenness, and with everything we have. Jesus came to proclaim the Gospel and bind up the broken hearts. There are three keys we can take with us from this woman.

1) Willing to server, she washed Jesus’ feet.

2) She came in faith (peace with God will give you peace when the storm is all around us.)

3) She came to worship Jesus. Give it all with passion, power, and at that present time. 

I love you in Jesus Christ; know His Love, Grace, and Peace is with you. Now receive them.

-Donnelly Cameron