Mustard Seed Ministry

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Hearing From God

How do I hear from God? Hearing from God for your own self can be difficult for most people because most people would rather have man to approve them, when God has already given each of us clear directives.  Are you working, going to school, studying, reading, working out, building friendships, but would love to spend alone time with God.  At times you may feel many things pulling you away from doing the very thing God has called you do. Those entire things are great in them self but we need to find what we are called to do and stick to that.  When the Lord calls your name, how will you answer? Here I am, and then you hear “I am God; do not be afraid I am with you.” This is just like when God spoke to Jacob (Israel) when he was going to Egypt and God spoke and said He will make Israel into a great nation there.  Genesis 46:2-4.  I know God leads us into the wilderness to mold us so God can lead us back again to use us for His will.  I am willing, and my prayer is use me, and send me.  Make that your prayer today as well.

Recently I was reading James 4:8 come near to God and he will come near to you. Wash yours hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded.  This is something God is calling all Christians to do, choose this day to surrender to God’s will because no one is born Godly but the opposite is true as we are born sinful.  I believe that for many years in my life I could not understand God because I could not hear His voice.  Isaiah conforms this in Isaiah 59:2 but your iniquities have separated you from your God; your sins have hidden his face from you, so that he will not hear.  In Luke 14:15-18, 20-24 talks about a great banquet and who will get to come to the banquet.  I would like to write so much on this great banquet, but I will just say in short who will be invited and I will encourage you to read about this banquet over and over again and ask God to speak to you and show Himself real to you.  This great banquet does not have a maxim guest list; all are invited to the banquet.  God’s eyes are seeking back an fourth; God is looking and caring for the poor person.  The poor person is not what we think as poor, but a poor person God is looking for is a humble person.  God rejects the prideful and gives grace to the humble no matter what status you are.

One day while I was at Church I thought about how great God is and how he cares so much about me.  The worship ministry began to sing “How Great is Our God” and I could not hold back any more I went to my knees and lifted my hands and began to sing with tears flowing down my cheeks.  I was thinking about this past year and how I am falling deeper and deeper in love with God, and what He has done for me and for people I know, and thinking on how God demonstrated His love on the cross for us.  I am broken before the Lord.  If you are in Church and you see someone doing what I some people may think this person on the floor is repenting or something bad must have happen to them.  No not one of those things I am broken before my Lord.  My tears are from the Lord that I may bring Him as an offering with my life.  My tears are for the way He Loves me, the joy I fine in Him and thankfulness for who God truly is and what He is teaching me.  To help illustrate brokenness, on how a horse is broken you may understand brokenness.  A broken horse is trained and is taken care of by its owner.  When the rider is on a broken horse the horse does exactly what the rider tells it to do.  Just think about a Police horse they stand firm and will walk right into a crowd of people with no hesitation if the rider leads and gives the commands to the horse will do as it rider says.  If the rider tells the horse to move left or right, backwards or forwards the horse will as commanded.  A horse that is not broken will break free and run away from the people.

I will end with this, fear the Lord, this is not to be scared but the fear of the Lord keeps you from sin.  Exodus 20:20 Moses said to the people, “Do not be afraid.  God has come to test you, so that the fear of God will be with you to keep you from sinning.”  John Bevere said when he met with Jim Baker in prison he asked him when did you stop loving God and start sinning.  Jim Baker said I never stop loving God I loved God all throw my sin, but I stopped fearing God.  Isn’t this a living testimony on never stop fearing God.  As the scripture says in Psalm 25:14 The Lord confides in those who fear him; he makes his covenant known to them.  May the Lord bless you and keep you close to Him with His Love, Peace, and Thanksgiving. 

- Donnelly Cameron