Justified by faith

Justified By Faith

The end justifies the beginning, but only if we hang on by faith. What does that mean? Years ago a came across a story in history that illustrates what I said, and will fortify your life to keep going because the end justifies the beginning.

On Columbus' maiden voyage to the new world, he and his men found themselves at wits end. In fact, mutiny was on the horizon. His crew were about to take matters into their own hands, for after weeks on end of not seeing any sign of land they were ready to turn the ships around and go back. Columbus, knowing how extreme the situation had become, made a deal.  He told his men that if there were no signs of land in three days he would honor their wish to return back.  On the third day, they saw a branch floating upon the waters and they knew land was ahead.

We give up too early and by doing so there's nothing that justifies our struggles, our disappointments, so we are left with defeat which causes depression. If we will continue a little more, a few more days or weeks, something will turn or change. Just like the branch did for Columbus.  The end will justify or give meaning to our struggles, then the pain will be swallowed up in victory. 

Action Steps

1.  Don't quit or give up on a situation, person or problem, push forward and something will change. 

2.  When victory comes it gives meaning to the problems.  Without it, all we have is the pain of the problem.  If you've given up is an area, get back in the game.

3.  Look beyond what your going thru and look to what God is bringing you to.  

 -Dr. Rob Carman, Is the founder of Victory World Missions, a prolific author, church planter and well-know conference speaker. www.robcarman.com