How To Develop Your Mind

How To Develop Your Mind

How can you develop your mind? A professor came upon a discovery and with it found out how to develop his mind. One day while getting dressed he was buttoning up his vest, actually his vest wouldn’t button, the reason? His daughter had sewn up the button holes. His fingers were going along as usual in their buttoning the vest when something happened; a button wouldn’t button! He looked down and realized why, but then a new idea was born!

How Does God Prepare Messengers?

How Does God Prepare Messengers?

In today’s world it’s as though everyone is just looking for a new way to get ahead. More and more you find people trying to become more motivated, more wealthy, have the most successful career, or the healthiest body. The volume and amount of these voices have seemingly grown exponentially in the last few years. The questions of WHO should be listened to, WHO should be followed, or WHO should command the center of our attention have become more prevalent than possibly ever in history.

Hearing From God

Hearing From God

How do I hear from God? Hearing from God for your own self can be difficult for most people because most people would rather have man to approve them, when God has already given each of us clear directives.  Are you working, going to school, studying, reading, working out, building friendships, but would love to spend alone time with God.  At times you may feel many things pulling you away from doing the very thing God has called you do. Those entire things are great in them self but we need to find what we are called to do and stick to that.

Who Told You?

You can reach your full potential, but it will require you to question and stand up to the “Who Told You’s.” Soon after the first man, Adam had fallen from grace, God had a conversation with him and asked him several questions one being, “Adam who told you that you were naked?” It is those three words that we must question and stand up to so we can reach our full potential. Who told you?

Heritage of the Founding Fathers

It was Sunday morning early in the year 1776.  In the church where Pastor Muhlenberg preached, it was a regular service for his congregation but a quite different affair for Muhlenberg himself.  Muhlenberg’s text for the day was Ecclesiastics 3 where it explains, “To everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven: a time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck what is planted….”1

Tears & Alabaster Jar

Prayer is so important. Prayer is touching God, and to reach the world we must do it through prayer first. In Luke 18:1 Jesus told his disciples a parable to show them not to give up on praying. Jesus also said “My house will be called a house of prayer for all nations” Mark 11:17.  In James 4:3 is all about our motives for praying, what motivation and why are we praying. It is clear to me that God wants us to pray selflessness.

How To Have a Constant Flow of Energy

How can we live with a constant flow of energy? Is there a law of vitality? This flow of energy develops when we hold thoughts of hopefulness, confidence, positiveness and goodwill. When these types of thoughts dominate our mind, they result in high levels of energy.

The entire universe is charged with a constant flow of energy, since energy is maintained consistently in the physical world we must come to the conclusion that God meant the same for us.

What does God think about me?

Looking back on my first week at Bible College I see now that God was shaping my identity. I remember thinking during my first week at Bible College is this how it is going to be, I can only imagine what the next few years were going to be like, in a good way. All that week the Lord kept speaking and pulling me closer and closer to Him.