How to have a seccessful prayer meeting

Using the model that IHOPKC has sustained 24-hour prayer since 1999, this step by step resource can help you sustain a two prayer meeting. This method is now being shared with everyone and they are pleased to share it with you! IHOPKC experience lively and enjoyable 2-hour prayer meetings on a daily basis, why can't your prayer meeting be that way!

1. Corporate Worship (20 minutes)

Start your prayer meeting with worship to usher people into God’s presence, set your minds on Him, and prepare people to pray. You can use live or recorded worship music, but make sure you have the words to the songs available (on a screen or printed) so everyone can participate. If you feel that there is a strong flow of the Spirit, worship can last longer than 20 minutes.

2. Bible-Based Prayer (about 2 minutes)

Grounding our prayers in God’s Word helps us agree that His kingdom should come and His will be done, “on earth as it is in heaven” (Matt. 6:10).

• An individual reads a biblical prayer out loud then begins praying in their own words while the music continues softly in the background.

• You may use one of the biblical prayers at the end of this document as a starting point and focus for your prayer.

• Pray for the values and ideas in the passage rather than against anything.

• For example, pray for our leaders rather than against politicians or Supreme Court Justice.

• Those in the prayer meeting pray along silently with the individual praying.

Example: I’m going to pray for the Supreme Court Justices from Philippians 1:9–11. “And this I pray, that your love may abound still more and more in knowledge and all discernment, that you may approve the things that are excellent, that you may be sincere and without offense till the day of Christ, being filled with the fruits of righteousness which are by Jesus Christ, to the glory and praise of God.”

Jesus, I pray that you would reveal yourself to the Supreme Court Justices. For those that have a basis for faith in You, give them knowledge and discernment. For those that don’t have an active faith in You, give them understanding so that they all would be able to approve the things that are excellent in Your eyes. I’m asking that the fruits of righteousness would fill their minds and hearts. I pray that they would desire to see Your righteousness expressed through their decisions. Jesus, thank You that You give the fruits of righteousness to Your children. We desire righteousness in America. Amen

3. Worship Song in Response to Prayer (about 5 minutes)

Respond to the prayer with a worship song sung together. This can be done by continuing the music of the previous song during the prayer, then leading the group back into singing the song together. Depending on your comfort level, some musicians may start a new worship song or sing a spontaneous (prophetic) chorus as the Spirit leads. (Repeat steps 2 & 3 for as many intercessors as time allows.)

4. 30-Second Prayers from 4 to 5 Individuals (3 minutes)

Call individuals from the group to pray brief (30 second) prayers in succession. Continue the music softly in the background so that you can easily jump back into worship after 4–5 people pray.

5. Return to Worship Together

Continue segments of worship between intercessors until you finish your prayer meeting. Worship could be just a chorus or verse from a previous song, or a similar song that fits in either musically or with the theme of the prayers.

Here’s an example of a one-hour prayer meeting (which can be expanded to reach two hours):

  • Worship 20 minutes

  • Bible-based prayer 2 minutes

  • Worship song 5 minutes

  • Bible-based prayer 2 minutes

  • Worship song 5 minutes

  • Bible-based prayer 2 minutes

  • Worship song 5 minutes

  • 30-second prayers 4 minutes

  • Worship 15 minutes

See, that was easy! As you grow, you can incorporate spontaneous (prophetic) singing and other elements as the Spirit leads. IHOPKC’s prayer room webstream, (, is a great way to see examples of this model in action. You could even stream the prayer room before or after your own prayer meeting to give people a taste of it. Blessings as you pray for your city, church, and nation.

-Provided by Luis Cataldo,

Director, Partner Relations