A Sense of Security

"Being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you shall complete it until the day of Jesus Christ" Philippians 1:6.

A sense of security is one of the most priceless assets you can have.  With it you have courage and confidence, without it you can lose your ability to function effectively. So many try to gain a sense of security through three traditional ways: people, places and things.  All of these will fail.  Security is a spiritual matter not a physical one.  Only in spirit will we ever be able to find real security.  To feel confidence and secure we must have a secure spiritual life. Simply put, we need to get close to God.  To know that He is in control is to say, "The Lord will work out His plan for my life" Psalms 138:8.

"The Lord says I will guide you along the best pathway for your life" Psalms 32:8.  It is scriptures like these that when thought upon daily begin to develop a real sense of security.  Dr. Victor Frankl, world famous psychiatrist and professor said, "Much of our mental trouble we experience today stems from the fact that we have broken with the sense of the reality of God."  When this occurs life looses its meaning.  We feel a decline in well-being.  We feel hopeless and insecure but, when we establish closeness to God, a great sense of security comes.

Action Steps
1.  Feel a deep need of God.

2.  Have a deep desire for God.

3.  Pray in depth to God.

4.  Live in partnership with God.

 -Dr. Rob Carman, Is the founder of Victory World Missions, a prolific author, church planter and well-know conference speaker. www.robcarman.com