Don Dickerman


But He answered and said unto them, An evil and adulterous generation seeks after a sign; and there shall no sign be given to it, but the sign of the prophet Jonas: Matthew 12:39                                                                                              


I don’t think I can recall a period in my church life where there is so much deception being perpetrated upon Church-leaders by demons and upon church members by each other.

It is disgusting to those who are genuinely seeking to please God. Droves are being turned away from genuine relationship with Jesus by the godless, self-seeking, money-mongering, phony “prophets” …. While I have great spiritual disdain for these folks … I am equally disappointed by those in the body of Christ who perpetuate the problem by embracing and seeking after the phony message.

I have heard many solid messages about “not chasing the signs” about living a life that allows signs to follow...but I don’t think I’ve ever seen the church this far out of alignment from truth. The sign seekers are everywhere!

Jesus called a sign seeking generation an evil and adulterous generation. What strong words from the lips of Jesus! Does it seem to you that those who claim to have a gift of discernment cannot discern truth from error. Those who claim to be Holy Spirit baptized are the first to chase after that which is phony.

What’s happening here?  The signs of healing and deliverance do follow believers who walk in genuine authority...but the sign Jesus spoke of has already been given and He said there would be no other.


What an insult to God to ask for another sign or an additional sign. “For as Jonah was three days and three nights in the whale's belly; so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth.” 

“And the Pharisees came forth, and began to question with him, seeking of him a sign from heaven, tempting him.  And he sighed deeply in his spirit, and said, Why doth this generation seek after a sign? verily I say unto you, There shall no sign be given unto this generation.” Mark 8:11, 12

Why do you keep looking for signs? I tell you 75% of the people I see for deliverance are “sign seekers”. They dabble in “prophecy” in a quest to be recognized as super spiritual. They go after territorial spirits in their prayer and talk, in an effort to appear spiritually superior. 

Their engagement in such opens their lives to greatdeception, and they chase after “they know not what”.  They strain atgnats and swallow camels. They are in all of the “new movements” the “fresh fires” ““the river” … it goes on and on and not only are they duped, they become discouraged and eventually go nowhere.

I get “prophetic words” in my e-mail box almost daily, the only problem is they are not prophetic at all...not only are they seldom correct, they are never correct. I wonder, why are people so attracted to this? Why do we seek after more signs from God when we don’t even honor the sign that has already been given and will be the only sign given!

These people have to have special titles to enhance their deception. They call themselves “Prophet”  “Apostle”  or maybe some other lofty title and claim to hear directly from God. The Church has got to do better!  

Where are the genuine preachers who will proclaim the Blood of Jesus and the power of His resurrection?

Some of you reading this fall into this category. Generally, when this happens it is because the message has gone from focus on Jesus to focus on the Holy Spirit. I believe this so grieves the Holy Spiritthat permission is gained by demons to deceive and to give false gifts and to deceive even as a “false” Holy Spirit.  Jesus must be the focus. Genuine Holy Spirit filling will cause you to lift up Jesus.

The Holy Spiritdesires no attention, He is honored when Jesus is magnified. While every gift of God’s Holy Spirit is legitimate and valid, virtually all of them have been mimicked, mocked and “adulterated”!   Do you see why Jesus called sign seekers an “adulterous” people. They have polluted the simple, powerful message of the resurrection. Don’t chase signs!

I know folks who go to every seminar and meeting held, all of the conferences and have all of the tapes and materials and can’t seem to find peace, they constantly seek, I guess, thinking some day some how, thru some speaker they will hear the “magic” words. There are no such words. God’s Word has already been spoken and the sign has already been given. The resurrection of Jesus was and is the sign.

I know of churches that have been virtually destroyed by venturing out of the realm of God’s Word, particularly by engaging in spiritual warfare beyond our realm of authority. If you want to damage your church, maybe destroy it, try going beyond what God’s Word teaches.

We have not been given authority in the cannot take back what never was yours, principalities and powers have authority because it has been given to them by the sin and disobedience of people. Get the people saved, leave the principalities alone. They have rights by the people and until the people submit we have no rights to banish these spiritual kingdoms or “take back cities or communities” … we tread on very dangerous ground when we do this.

Listen, that’s not a casual observation, it is the voice of many years of experience with this! Don’t chase signs. Don’t engage in territorial warfare. It’s not wise and it’s not scriptural. It’s not wise because it’s not scriptural.

A man and woman run into an acquaintance with a new boyfriend. She introduces her boyfriend as Prophet John Doe (not real name).  The man says, “You are a prophet of God? What exactly do you do? Do you really hear from God about the future…”  “Yes,”  The ‘prophet’ replied, “mostly, it is scriptural encouragement for the individual, but sometimes God will show me warnings etc. for the person to avoid.”

“So, are you like an old testament prophet?”” “Of course, it is a valid gift and I have it.” “Amazing.” responds the man, that’s just amazing. So, what does God show you for our nation?”  “What is thus sayeth the Lord for America?”

After a few hem-haws and throat clearing the man says, “There are dark days ahead for America unless she repents and turns to God…” It is always the same generalizing ‘prophecy’’ filled with “ifs” and “unless”. 

I don’t despise prophecy, but I hate the mockery of it! If you are a prophet, you don’t have to announce it or make it part of your title. Just speak accurate, proven, trustworthy words and people will know. Don’t pollute Holy, Godly gifts with your desire to be recognized as something special from God. Actually, genuineness in a call from God works the opposite … no desire to be “puffed up”.

Why not seek Jesus. If you want to be pure in your seeking and chasing. Chase Him, seek Him. The signs will follow you. Those who seek “signs and wonders” … I wonder about the wonders you seek. What sign has importance other than the death, burial and resurrection of God’s Son?  May I just say in Love,  don’t be seduced, don’t compromise the simple truth of God’s Word. Evil and adulterous people seek after signs...these are the Words of Jesus and they are for our admonition and spiritual safety.

Thanks for your help in this ministry.

Just for Jesus,

-Don Dickerman, Is the founder of Don Dickerman Ministries, a prolific author, has a powerful anointing for healing and deliverance, and well-know conference speaker.


Adultery   Fornication   UncleannessLewdness    Idolatry   Sorcery   HatredContentions   Jealousies   Outbursts of Wrath   Selfish AmbitionsDissensions   Heresies    Envy   Murders   Drunkenness   Revelries    And the like.

There are 18 works of the flesh mentioned in Galatians 5:20-21. Eighteen! All of them are offensive to God and to others. Sadly, these are often character traits of many believers who I see for deliverance. It is also interesting that there are twice as many works of the flesh as there are fruits of the Spirit.

The flesh is weak! It must be yielded to Jesus else the fruit of the Spirit cannot be seen. This is so evident in deliverance ministry. There is a  teaching that says “For much as one wishes to achieve something, the frailties of the human body often make it impossible” Jesus told the weary disciples in Gethsemane, the Spirit is willing but the flesh is weak.

The flesh only wants to please the flesh...even though it often hates the act of pleasing the flesh. I think most believers would prefer not to do the things that displease God. Read the list above, people who do those things hate themselves for doing them, but seem helpless to change. The results are guilt and shame. In contrast there are the fruits of the Spirit. Look at them. Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness and self-control. 

“Watch and pray, that ye enter not into temptation: the spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.” Matthew 26:41

Half as many and twice as life changing. The Fruit of God’s Spirit cannot be on display until the flesh has been defeated. It is defeated only by your consent, your willingness. The flesh will keep you in failure, to my dismay I see people continue to struggle in bad choices and ungodly decisions, only to wonder why God doesn’t bless them more.

If you have ever been around an addict, you know the flesh is weak. You never know when that person might yield to the power of the flesh. As much as the individual would like to be free from the pull, there is not sufficient power in the flesh...and they fall again. You can’t really reason with the person because they already “know.” The “will” power is too weak, what is needed is the power of God’s Holy Spirit! The power of His Spirit can only be realized thru a yielded flesh!

Some things need to be cast out...some things can’t be cast out as long as there is agreement with, the beginning for the believer is surrender. Demons cannot be cast out and God’s Holy Spirit cannot do His work as long as the flesh rules! When the flesh is yielded to God and His Presence is preferred the benefits are what the Bible calls Fruit of the Spirit.  “Just say NO” were simple and meaningful words from our former First Lady. The Holy Spirit helps you to say no, and reveals to you consequences of obeying the cries of the flesh...however, the Holy Spirit will not say NO for you.

This is where victory comes. You making a Spirit-led choice. Check the list of flesh and spirit fruit. Is there too much of this and not enough of that? 

I know the answer to that. I live in this world also. Too much contention not enough understanding. Too much...well you know where I am going. Look at the list of flesh fruit...anger and outbursts of wrath, temper tantrums...unsurrendered flesh is not a pleasant thing. It is the absence of love, joy, peace…

Failed marriages, foolish motives and foul mindsets. Hurt feelings, defensive attitudes and all of the other things that make you feel uncomfortable. They are all the works of the flesh. The flesh must die...daily. The Fruit of the Spirit can only operate where the flesh no longer rules.

Evil spirits gain access thru open doors of the flesh.  In deliverance, the “main thing” is removing legal rights that a demon may have. If there is unconfessed, unaddressed sin in the individuals life, they are not deliverance candidates.     

So the need for confession of sins of the flesh is absolutely necessary. Many times folks will ask “how do I know if what I am dealing with is demons or just the flesh?”  That is a good question...a simple answer is when in doubt cast it out. Confess and address.

-Don Dickerman, Is the founder of Don Dickerman Ministries, a prolific author, has a powerful anointing for healing and deliverance, and well-know conference speaker.