Jesus can do it

All Things Are Possible

No greater words were ever spoken then the words that came from the lips of Jesus when He said in Mark 9:23, "If you can believe, all things are possible to him that believes." As you train your mind to believe, defeat tendencies are reversed and things begin to move from the impossible to the possible. How we can we accomplish this? First, become a believer in God, not academically, but believe confidently in Him as your guide. Second, believe in yourself, in others and in life itself. Have a sincere desire to serve God and others, stop doubting, stop thinking negatively. Last, start living by faith, pray daily, and get into the habit of looking for the best.

This type of thinking will cause a turnaround in the flow of your life. Life is always flowing, moving in some direction. Like a magnetic attraction life will begin to move towards you. This does not mean that you will get everything you want., but God will bring into your life those things that are good for you. Being successful does not mean becoming rich, famous, or powerful because many people in those categories are pathetic failures. By success I mean the inner development of a Godly character. It is through the consistent application of constructive thinking you will develop a Godly core. 

Action Steps

1. Train your mind to think of the possible. Eliminate negativity.

2. Today expect the best, believe that good will come to you.

3. Think Godly thoughts and by doing so you will build a Godly character.  

 -Dr. Rob Carman, Is the founder of Victory World Missions, a prolific author, church planter and well-know conference speaker.