“For who is God but The Lord? The God who equipped me with strength and made my way blameless. He made my feet like the feet of a deer and sets me secure on the heights. He trains my hands for war, so that my arms can bend a bow of bronze. You have given me the shield of salvation, and your tight hand supported me, and your gentleness made me great. You gave a wide place for my steps under me, and my feet did not slip. I pursued my enemies and overtook them and did not turn back till they were consumed. I thrust them through so they were not able to rise; they fell under my feet. For you equipped me the strength for battle, you made those who rise against me sink under me. “Psalm 18 31-39

The weather was perfect, and summer was in the air! We had just arrived in Cape Town, South Africa for vacation. In our complete awe of this beautiful place, we quickly put on our bathing suits and darted for the ocean. As we ran across the street and down the steps to feel the sand in our toes, we breathed in the fresh ocean air.  Although in February, this was the middle of South Africa’s summer season, and on this day the ocean was calm and serene, looking like a sheet of glass with radiant colors beaming through the water. The kids were excited to run into the ocean. However, they would be welcomed with a nice shock of the cold Southern Atlantic water, causing them to pause and  shiver.  But that did not stop them from deciding to go back out into the ocean and swim to the boulder that was about 25 feet offshore.

My husband Chris and I sat together on the sand, watching our oldest son Reid take the first step and swim to the boulder. He successfully made the trek and jumped on top of the boulder as if he were king of the ocean.  His younger brother Kenan thought, “I can do this,” and of course little sister Olivia would not be left behind.  They swiftly embarked on this adventure to join their older brother.  When the other two children started, the ocean was calm and the boulder appeared easily within reach.

Then, SUDDENLY, the ocean changed as a set of waves started to roll in quickly, tossing the kids back and forth.  Struggling to breathe, they desperately reached for the boulder, trying their best to hold onto the rock, yet their little fingers kept slipping.  The waves did not let up and would not release them from their grasp. Anxiety and fear flooded their faces, and their confidence was wrecked. Their courage was drowning, and they were immediately shaken by their circumstances.

I began to panic! Sweat poured down my face.  I screamed to my older child, “Please help your brother and sister climb up onto the boulder.” The waves were relentless and did not cease.  My daughter was screaming…and then, immediately out of the corner of my eye, I got a glimpse of a man who had been swimming by. At the perfect time he swooped in and grabbed Olivia and brought her back safely to shore.

You may be asking, “Why is she telling me all of this?  What does this have to do with me?” Well, this story is an example of how, in an instant, your entire world can be rocked…changed and then by his GRACE and LOVE put back together …one important thought to remember is:

Although your world may get rocked,

God never gets rocked!

Does this story remind you of yourself? I know it reminds me of myself!  At one moment I have the confidence and courage to take a step; then suddenly, circumstances change, and doubt and fear begin to flood my mind.  I forget quickly what I was doing and why…I allow my fear to take over, and suddenly I stop and ask myself, “ARE YOU CRAZY? WHAT ARE YOU DOING?”

At that moment in time, The Lord showed me my own life and just how quickly I can be shaken and tossed by the enemy. He showed me that when I focus on my circumstances, I will often be flooded with fear and doubt.  That’s not where I want to be!

However, If I choose to take hold of the Rock that is the Lord…trusting in Him as the waves are trying to overpower me…surrendering my anxious thoughts and resting in the arms of a Savior that is behind me…then everything will be OK.  I must believe that He will not let me drown, and He will carry me safely back to shore and set my feet upon solid ground.  In these moments He reveals His nature and whispers into my ear… “I’m FAITHFUL, KIND and full of MERCY: Trust Me!”  In these moments He reminds me that I will grow and become stronger in Him, and that by His love He will bring me comfort and tell me that I am victorious!!

My prayer is that when your life gets interrupted, or your circumstances suddenly change, you will grab hold of the ROCK that never changes.  The GREAT I AM will reveal who He is and who you are to Him.  Set your mind and eyes toward the hills, knowing, believing, and trusting that through Him you are VICTORIOUS!!!

-Elizabeth Bowman, is a Board Certified Biblical Counselor