Cotton Bowl Outreach

The day began with an early morning rain shower and the air was cool. Around ten men of God came together at the AT&T Stadium where the Cotton Bowl was being held. Around 9:00AM January 2nd 2017 we all were shaking hands with each other and giving hugs of brotherly love. Partnering with JeremiahCry Ministry’s we were all ready to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ! As the weather was turning out to be blue skies and around 72 degrees and still wet on the ground from the early morning rain we could not have asked for better weather as we proclaimed the Gospel in the open air! We began with a word of prayer and then we went to different places around the Stadium, some stayed on the street corners to preach and others went on the other side of the street where people were walking to the Stadium to pass out tracks. Myself and William went to the front of the Stadium where the people were gathering to go into the Stadium. William and I started to pass out tracks and they were going like hotcakes. I saw a water fall near where we were and it reminded me of the scripture that says in John 7:37-38 (KJV) 37 In the last day, that great day of the feast, Jesus stood and cried, saying, If any man thirst, let him come unto me, and drink. 38 He that believeth on me, as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water. I turned to William and said let us go in front of the water fall and preach. I began to cry out with a loud voice with my Bible in hand lifted up calling all that could hear me to repent of their sin and come to faith in Jesus Christ. As the people turned and looked at me some started to raise their beer cans, give hand jesters, some looked with disgust and spite towards me, others smiled and kept walking, and even others said thank you for being out here. We had a few people coming up that requested us to pray for them and others questioned what we believed and what compels us to do what we were doing. Why all the different reactions? In so many words here is what we were saying.

The greatest thing about the Gospel of Jesus Christ is its utter simplicity; the Gospel is not hard to understand. Jesus never asked a person to clean up his life before he could be forgiven. Our Lord always walked into a person’s life right where they are, with all their sins, failures, guilty conscience, and imperfections. As we are proclaiming this truth people are yelling back “I am a sinner”, “I am going to heaven because I am a good person”. If they were mocking or being real with themselves it did not matter to us because we were there to tell the truth! The Bible tells us that God does love us. As it is written in John 3:16-18 (KJV) 16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. 17 For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved. 18 He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. As the truth of the Gospel was being proclaimed we were all calling on people to quit using their sinfulness as excuses for not receiving Christ as their Lord and Savior. Jesus said in Matthew 9:12, 13 (KJV) 12 But when Jesus heard that, he said unto them, They that be whole need not a physician, but they that are sick.13 But go ye and learn what that meaneth, I will have mercy, and not sacrifice: for I am not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance. Come to Jesus with all your sins, your bad habits, your guilt-ridden conscience, your problems that seem larger than life. Jesus is the divine physician. You will never be healed of your sin until you humble yourself before the only one who can meet your need. This is the simple truth of the Gospel and it is not difficult, because we preach faith alone in Jesus!

There were a lot of people that sat around to listen to the preaching and when we took turns preaching the previous preacher would have people waiting for him as they wanted to ask him questions about God. At one point when William was preaching and a man could not help it and walked right up to him and said pray for me. These are the moments that we long for humble men and women wanting to get right with God. As the game started the people began to get fewer and fewer and we have been preaching, and praying for people for two hours straight. We then all came together again sharing stores on what happened and snacking on some food we had. We started to pack up our belongings and we ended the outreach with thanks giving prayer to God! Later that day when I got home I got a text from one of the people that came with us saying let me know when the next outreach is “I loved it”!

- Donnelly Cameron

Happy 2017!

Wow!  Another year is closing and a new year is here.  This is a great opportunity for all of us to look back at the past and thank God for the many blessings we had in the year 2016.  It is also a time to look at some of the things that we wish we could have done, said or changed in our life.

The Bible says that His mercies are new every morning.  What a thought that now matter what we do not have to live the day over again but get a new one each and every day.

Philippians 3:13-14"Brethren, I do not count myself to have apprehended; but one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead, I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus."

Take time at the beginning of the year and ask God what He would have you do differently.  Leave the past behind and reach for the future with an expectation of something great!

Make this a wonderful new year!

Happy New Year!

-Dr. Rob Carman, Is the founder of Victory World Missions, a prolific author, church planter and well-know conference speaker.

What Hope Creates

Pessimism is the outlook that things are terrible. We are told by means of the media, internet, and word of mouth that there is no hope in the world.  Things are getting worse.  Optimism on the other hand, believes number one, that God is a good God, and number two, that He will and does reward those who trust Him, and seek him. 

"May all who seek you rejoice and be glad in you, may those who love your salvation say evermore, God is great."  Psalm 70:4

"I will hope continually and will praise you more and more."  Psalm 71:14

"Rejoice in our hope."  Romans 12:12

These are but a few of the MANY scriptures on optimism.  We have to look at words like these that will fill us with hope.  It is in these words we find comfort and peace and joy for our today and our tomorrows.

Alan Loy Ginnis in his book, The Power of Optimism, says, "True optimism is not a soft-headed closing of ones eyes to unpleasant facts, but rather a recognition that although the world is imperfect, we can do something about our problems."

Action Steps

1). This is the perfect time of year to offer hope to someone.  Do it!

2). Look forthe good in situations and in people.

3). Get off your computer or device and find something good to do for someone else.  Give someone hope for their tomorrow!

 -Dr. Rob Carman, Is the founder of Victory World Missions, a prolific author, church planter and well-know conference speaker.

Justified By Faith

The end justifies the beginning, but only if we hang on by faith. What does that mean? Years ago a came across a story in history that illustrates what I said, and will fortify your life to keep going because the end justifies the beginning.

On Columbus' maiden voyage to the new world, he and his men found themselves at wits end. In fact, mutiny was on the horizon. His crew were about to take matters into their own hands, for after weeks on end of not seeing any sign of land they were ready to turn the ships around and go back. Columbus, knowing how extreme the situation had become, made a deal.  He told his men that if there were no signs of land in three days he would honor their wish to return back.  On the third day, they saw a branch floating upon the waters and they knew land was ahead.

We give up too early and by doing so there's nothing that justifies our struggles, our disappointments, so we are left with defeat which causes depression. If we will continue a little more, a few more days or weeks, something will turn or change. Just like the branch did for Columbus.  The end will justify or give meaning to our struggles, then the pain will be swallowed up in victory. 

Action Steps

1.  Don't quit or give up on a situation, person or problem, push forward and something will change. 

2.  When victory comes it gives meaning to the problems.  Without it, all we have is the pain of the problem.  If you've given up is an area, get back in the game.

3.  Look beyond what your going thru and look to what God is bringing you to.  

 -Dr. Rob Carman, Is the founder of Victory World Missions, a prolific author, church planter and well-know conference speaker.

How to have a seccessful prayer meeting

Using the model that IHOPKC has sustained 24-hour prayer since 1999, this step by step resource can help you sustain a two prayer meeting. This method is now being shared with everyone and they are pleased to share it with you! IHOPKC experience lively and enjoyable 2-hour prayer meetings on a daily basis, why can't your prayer meeting be that way!

1. Corporate Worship (20 minutes)

Start your prayer meeting with worship to usher people into God’s presence, set your minds on Him, and prepare people to pray. You can use live or recorded worship music, but make sure you have the words to the songs available (on a screen or printed) so everyone can participate. If you feel that there is a strong flow of the Spirit, worship can last longer than 20 minutes.

2. Bible-Based Prayer (about 2 minutes)

Grounding our prayers in God’s Word helps us agree that His kingdom should come and His will be done, “on earth as it is in heaven” (Matt. 6:10).

• An individual reads a biblical prayer out loud then begins praying in their own words while the music continues softly in the background.

• You may use one of the biblical prayers at the end of this document as a starting point and focus for your prayer.

• Pray for the values and ideas in the passage rather than against anything.

• For example, pray for our leaders rather than against politicians or Supreme Court Justice.

• Those in the prayer meeting pray along silently with the individual praying.

Example: I’m going to pray for the Supreme Court Justices from Philippians 1:9–11. “And this I pray, that your love may abound still more and more in knowledge and all discernment, that you may approve the things that are excellent, that you may be sincere and without offense till the day of Christ, being filled with the fruits of righteousness which are by Jesus Christ, to the glory and praise of God.”

Jesus, I pray that you would reveal yourself to the Supreme Court Justices. For those that have a basis for faith in You, give them knowledge and discernment. For those that don’t have an active faith in You, give them understanding so that they all would be able to approve the things that are excellent in Your eyes. I’m asking that the fruits of righteousness would fill their minds and hearts. I pray that they would desire to see Your righteousness expressed through their decisions. Jesus, thank You that You give the fruits of righteousness to Your children. We desire righteousness in America. Amen

3. Worship Song in Response to Prayer (about 5 minutes)

Respond to the prayer with a worship song sung together. This can be done by continuing the music of the previous song during the prayer, then leading the group back into singing the song together. Depending on your comfort level, some musicians may start a new worship song or sing a spontaneous (prophetic) chorus as the Spirit leads. (Repeat steps 2 & 3 for as many intercessors as time allows.)

4. 30-Second Prayers from 4 to 5 Individuals (3 minutes)

Call individuals from the group to pray brief (30 second) prayers in succession. Continue the music softly in the background so that you can easily jump back into worship after 4–5 people pray.

5. Return to Worship Together

Continue segments of worship between intercessors until you finish your prayer meeting. Worship could be just a chorus or verse from a previous song, or a similar song that fits in either musically or with the theme of the prayers.

Here’s an example of a one-hour prayer meeting (which can be expanded to reach two hours):

  • Worship 20 minutes

  • Bible-based prayer 2 minutes

  • Worship song 5 minutes

  • Bible-based prayer 2 minutes

  • Worship song 5 minutes

  • Bible-based prayer 2 minutes

  • Worship song 5 minutes

  • 30-second prayers 4 minutes

  • Worship 15 minutes

See, that was easy! As you grow, you can incorporate spontaneous (prophetic) singing and other elements as the Spirit leads. IHOPKC’s prayer room webstream, (, is a great way to see examples of this model in action. You could even stream the prayer room before or after your own prayer meeting to give people a taste of it. Blessings as you pray for your city, church, and nation.

-Provided by Luis Cataldo,

Director, Partner Relations

Pray then in this way

Pray then in this way: Our Father, who is in heaven, Hallowed be Your name. Your kingdom come.

Set your heart to pray and go after Jesus’ heart and His will for the rest of your life. Keep knocking and seeking, Matthew 7:7-8, Luke 11:9-10, but I also want to see His will be done, on earth as it is in heaven in this very hour as well. I should have fainted, except I had believed to see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. Psalms 27:13 (goodness of God in this hour). 

This is a message to the church and to Christians today.

Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, ye sinners, and purge your hearts, ye double minded. Suffer afflictions, and sorrow ye, and weep: let your laughter be turned into mourning, and your joy into heaviness. Cast down yourselves before the Lord, and He will lift you up. Speak not evil one of another, brethren. He that speaketh evil of his brother, or he that condemneth his brother, speaketh evil of the Law, and condemneth the Law: and if thou condemnest the Law, thou art not an observer of the Law, but a judge. There is one Lawgiver, which is able to save, and to destroy, who art thou that judgest another man? James 4:8-12

Never give up on seeing revival in your land.  

I will stand upon my watch, and set me upon the tower, and will look and see what He would say unto me, and what I shall answer to Him that rebuketh me. And the Lord answered me, and said, Write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it. For the vision is yet for an appointed time, but at the last it shall speak and not lie: though it tarry, wait: for it shall surely come, and shall not stay. Behold, he that lifteth up himself, his mind is not upright in him, but the just shall live by his faith. Habakkuk 2:1-4 vision, tarries, wait, and faith.

Christian you should obey the word of the Lord to see His glory come to your land.

If my people, among whom my Name is called upon, do humble themselves, and pray and seek my presence, and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear in heaven and be merciful to their sin, and will heal their land: Then mine eyes shall be open and mine ears attent unto the prayer made in this place. 2 Chronicles 7:14-15; Scriptures that goes with this scripture to references: 2 Chronicles 6:37-39, James 4:10

Which Christian will stand up in the land and gather the people and cry out to the Lord.

Sanctify you a fast: call a solemn assembly: gather the Elders, and all the inhabitants of the land into the house of the Lord your God, and cry unto the Lord. Joel 1:14; Blow the trumpet in Zion, and shout in mine holy mountain, let all the inhabitants of the land tremble: for the day of the Lord is come for it is at hand. Joel 2:1.

A law of the heart is to seek for happiness.

The chief end of man is to glorify God and enjoy Him forever. Psalm 119:103; 42:1-2, 4; 63:1; 36:8; 34:8; 16:11.

 The pleasure is in God Himself and nothing or no one else. God is the end of our search. Job 22:25; Colossians 3:5.

God commands us to love Him as the first comment is the call to wholehearted love: to be equally yoked to Jesus in love. You shall love the LORD…with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the first and great commandment. Matthew 22:35-38. Other scriptures for reference: Psalm 37:4, Romans 12:8.

-Donnelly Cameron

A Sense of Security

"Being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you shall complete it until the day of Jesus Christ" Philippians 1:6.

A sense of security is one of the most priceless assets you can have.  With it you have courage and confidence, without it you can lose your ability to function effectively. So many try to gain a sense of security through three traditional ways: people, places and things.  All of these will fail.  Security is a spiritual matter not a physical one.  Only in spirit will we ever be able to find real security.  To feel confidence and secure we must have a secure spiritual life. Simply put, we need to get close to God.  To know that He is in control is to say, "The Lord will work out His plan for my life" Psalms 138:8.

"The Lord says I will guide you along the best pathway for your life" Psalms 32:8.  It is scriptures like these that when thought upon daily begin to develop a real sense of security.  Dr. Victor Frankl, world famous psychiatrist and professor said, "Much of our mental trouble we experience today stems from the fact that we have broken with the sense of the reality of God."  When this occurs life looses its meaning.  We feel a decline in well-being.  We feel hopeless and insecure but, when we establish closeness to God, a great sense of security comes.

Action Steps
1.  Feel a deep need of God.

2.  Have a deep desire for God.

3.  Pray in depth to God.

4.  Live in partnership with God.

 -Dr. Rob Carman, Is the founder of Victory World Missions, a prolific author, church planter and well-know conference speaker.


Steve Hill was born in Ankara, Turkey on January 17, 1954.  His family was in Turkey while his father was on assignment with the US Military.  He has one brother, and two sisters.  Although his father was not much of a church attender, his mother was faithful to the Lutheran church.  She was a praying woman who loved the Lord, and always interceded for her family.  As a young boy, Steve was superficially involved in the church, but he never had a real encounter with Jesus until he was 21.  At the age of twenty one on a Tuesday morning October 28, 1975 Steve Hill accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. 

            Steve had been in rebellion for fifteen years and his body was being racked with convulsions from all his drug and alcohol abuse.  His body was reacting so severely, Steve was afraid that he might die.  Hugh Mozingo, a Lutheran minister came over to his home and prayed with him to lead him to the Lord.  When Jesus came into Steve’s heart the convulsions stopped and he felt the presence of God fill his room.  Immediately, as he cried out to Jesus, he received the gift of new life and was freed from all the torment that had been a constant part of his life.  Steve can recall when he was born again everything was new he went outside and said look at the green grass the trees and all of nature was like it was the first time he saw it.

            Soon after being saved, Steve was arrested incarcerated because of some old, outstanding warrants.  A local minister named Jim Summers, came to visit him in jail.  The judge probated Steve Hill into Teen Challenge, a drug rehab program called outreach Ministries of Alabama, directed by Mr. Summers.

            Four months after receiving Christ as Savior, Steve was baptized in the Holy Spirit.  His passion for souls and love for Jesus continued to deepen.  He attended Twin Oaks Academy in Lindale, Texas, under the direction of David Wilkerson.  At this training center, there were teachers like Leonard Ravenhill who taught on prayer, and Nicky Cruz, who taught evangelism.  It was a school where you were held responsible for what you learned.  And if you did not learn, they would kick you out.  They would teach the students on evangelism and then put them in a van, drive them to the streets of Dallas to a dope party, dump them out and say, “Go into that dope party.  We’ll pick you up at four in the morning.”  That is hard-core evangelism.  Instead of teaching the Four Spiritual Laws, they’d say, “Get out there, learn from experience.”  While a student here, he met his wife Jeri.  They married shortly after graduation and immediately entered the ministry.  Steve and Jeri were open to follow the Lord and serve him in whatever capacity he would lead.  They served as youth pastors in Florida, and while leading a group of teenagers on a mission’s trip to Mexico, God called them into full time missions. 

            After studying Spanish in Costa Rica, they began a work in Neuquen, Argentina, and over the next seven or eight years, planted several churches and an orphanage that continue to thrive today.  One of their first experiences in Argentina was at a crusade led by Carlos Annacondia.

            They went on to work in Granada, Spain and Baranovichi, Belarus, where they also began a Teen Challenge facility, the first ever Christian drug rehab program in all of Belarus.  

            Pastor Hill continued to travel as a Missionary/Evangelist, and was planning to continue work in Russia.  During one of his trips, while on an airplane, Steve Hill read a magazine article about a revival happening in London, England.  The church was Holy Trinity Brampton, the vicar was Sandy Miller.  Steve arranged to meet with Pastor Miller, wanting to know more about what was going on.  As he arrived at the Church, a conference was in session.  Holy Trinity Brampton was located in downtown London right by Harrods’s, the richest area of town, and was known for its influential, distinguished people.  But as he walked toward the front of the sanctuary, he had to step over about 500 bodies, people on the floor, shaking all over the place.  The Lord spoke to Pastor Hill’s heart and said, "You don't need to talk to Sandy Miller, just have him pray for you."  So, he walked up to Sandy Miller and said, "My name is Steve." "Oh my,” replied Pastor Miller, “we have an appointment at three o'clock, but look what's happened in my church."  Steve Hill said, “We do not have to meet, just lay your hands on my head and pray for me.”  When Sandy Miller did, Pastor Hill was hit mightily by the power of the Lord, and a powerful anointing was imparted at that moment.  This was January 1995, unbeknown to Steve Hill; the Pensacola Revival would be erupting in June of that same year.  Pastor Steve Hill was used by God to help spark the revival at Brownsville Assembly of God in Pensacola, Florida on Father's Day 1995 until 2000. Over 100,000 people have responded to the Gospel in over five years at Brownsville.  “From 1995 to 2000, Steve served as the evangelist of the Brownsville Revival in Pensacola, Florida. Widely covered by the media, this incredible series of meetings drew over 4 million people through the doors of the Brownsville Assembly of God Church.  News began to spread around the world that something out of the ordinary was happening at this revival.  During those five years, the devout, the cynical, and the curious came from all walks of life, traveling from as many as 150 different nations around the globe.  Hundreds of thousands wept at the altars, repented of sinful lifestyles, and gave their lives to Jesus. Lives were dramatically changed, marriages were restored, and addictions were broken as the Gospel of Jesus Christ was presented with clarity.  Steve and his evangelistic team held arena and stadium crusades around the world.  These widely attended events prove once again that the unaltered teachings of the Bible are still relevant and applicable to life today.”(1)

            Pastor Hill and his wife, Jeri were the founders and senior pastors of Heartland World Ministries Church, in the Dallas, Fort Worth area.  At Heartland, thousands are coming to Christ and receiving a fresh touch from God.  Pastor Hill continued to call sinners to repentance and challenge believers to go after God with all the heart.

            “Jeri and I have discovered that the same Jesus Christ who changed our lives years ago is alive today, and He radically saves and heals on the streets of New York, Chicago, and Los Angeles.  The same Holy Spirit who touched our lives also touches the lives of young and old throughout the United States.  The same love of God that penetrated our hearts is available to our poverty-stricken neighbors in the slums of Mexico.  The same forgiveness that we’ve received is available for the millions in Canada, Argentina, England, India, Japan, and Africa.  You see, people are the same everywhere you go.  Languages change, customs differ, but the heart is the same in every culture.  The Bible says that the human heart is “deceitfully wicked!” Only God can change it.”(2)

            I had the privilege for many years to listen almost every week to Pastor Hill preaching the word of God at Heartland World Ministries Church.  Being under the teaching I receive each week has expanded my knowledge of the Bible, and more revelation of God.  Pastor Hill always called for alter calls at the end of each service.  I loved this because I know that is one way God deals with the sinner and change happens in a person’s heart when they ask Jesus Christ to be their Lord and Savior during an alter call.  I know this for a fact because I am a product of one that answered to an alter call in July 2000 at a Church service in Albuquerque, NM.  When I saw Pastor Steve preach, I saw firsthand how lives were changed by the preaching of being cleansed from sin through repentance and faith alone in the precious blood of Jesus Christ, with alter calls.

            This short article of telling the story of Pastor Steve Hill has been a true honor for me and has blessed me.  I am inspired by what God has done in and through Pastor Steve Hill during his life.  He was truly one of God’s Generals.

- Donnelly Cameron



2)     Stone cold Heart, by Stephen Hill, p. 55

3)     Veronica 'Ronnie' Rosas, former Executive Assistant to Pastor Steve Hill (helped with all the details.)

Solutions for Stress

A news article several years ago said the following, "Man is entering the atomic age, with his thoughts and the control of his emotions at stone age level.  Panic keeps breaking through.  Anxiety is the sickness of our time but instead of trying to show patients how to cope intelligently with their fears, doctors are prescribing more and more dope, aided and abetted by the drug companies".

Time Magazine said, "After checking the health of more than 25,000 executives averaging forty five years old, New York's life extension examiners found that only 20% were in normal health".

A doctor from Canada was reported as saying that heart attacks nearly always occur at times of high emotional tension.  Jobs and family stresses are the big factors.  Our trouble is that we push too hard.  We have become an over tense high strung people.  So what can be done and what can we do?  Plenty, in fact it's up to us.  Emerson said, "Nothing can bring you peace but yourself".  Let's start by eliminating all disorganizing thoughts, such as hate, fear, worry, ill will, resentment, etc.  Get rid of disease thinking.  Another useful practice is when you're facing upsetting situations don't work yourself up into an emotional state, but ask yourself what you can do about it, then start doing the wisest thing you can think of.

Finally, memorize peacefulness.  Store up in your memory, scenes of peace and quietness.  In times of stress and anxiety bring them out and let them pass as pictures across your mind.  You will notice the return of the emotions you had during this event

Action Steps

1.     Take time right now and each morning this week to visualize, "God is for me". Really see God being for you and visualize how much God loves you! If you believe God is for you, who can be against you?

2.     Remove from your mind all disease thinking.

3.     Ask yourself, what is the best thing I can do to help this situation?  Then do it!

4.     Recall to memory some of the greatest and most peaceful times of your life. Visualize them again and joy and peace will return.

 -Dr. Rob Carman, Is the founder of Victory World Missions, a prolific author, church planter and well-know conference speaker.


Adultery   Fornication   UncleannessLewdness    Idolatry   Sorcery   HatredContentions   Jealousies   Outbursts of Wrath   Selfish AmbitionsDissensions   Heresies    Envy   Murders   Drunkenness   Revelries    And the like.

There are 18 works of the flesh mentioned in Galatians 5:20-21. Eighteen! All of them are offensive to God and to others. Sadly, these are often character traits of many believers who I see for deliverance. It is also interesting that there are twice as many works of the flesh as there are fruits of the Spirit.

The flesh is weak! It must be yielded to Jesus else the fruit of the Spirit cannot be seen. This is so evident in deliverance ministry. There is a  teaching that says “For much as one wishes to achieve something, the frailties of the human body often make it impossible” Jesus told the weary disciples in Gethsemane, the Spirit is willing but the flesh is weak.

The flesh only wants to please the flesh...even though it often hates the act of pleasing the flesh. I think most believers would prefer not to do the things that displease God. Read the list above, people who do those things hate themselves for doing them, but seem helpless to change. The results are guilt and shame. In contrast there are the fruits of the Spirit. Look at them. Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness and self-control. 

“Watch and pray, that ye enter not into temptation: the spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.” Matthew 26:41

Half as many and twice as life changing. The Fruit of God’s Spirit cannot be on display until the flesh has been defeated. It is defeated only by your consent, your willingness. The flesh will keep you in failure, to my dismay I see people continue to struggle in bad choices and ungodly decisions, only to wonder why God doesn’t bless them more.

If you have ever been around an addict, you know the flesh is weak. You never know when that person might yield to the power of the flesh. As much as the individual would like to be free from the pull, there is not sufficient power in the flesh...and they fall again. You can’t really reason with the person because they already “know.” The “will” power is too weak, what is needed is the power of God’s Holy Spirit! The power of His Spirit can only be realized thru a yielded flesh!

Some things need to be cast out...some things can’t be cast out as long as there is agreement with, the beginning for the believer is surrender. Demons cannot be cast out and God’s Holy Spirit cannot do His work as long as the flesh rules! When the flesh is yielded to God and His Presence is preferred the benefits are what the Bible calls Fruit of the Spirit.  “Just say NO” were simple and meaningful words from our former First Lady. The Holy Spirit helps you to say no, and reveals to you consequences of obeying the cries of the flesh...however, the Holy Spirit will not say NO for you.

This is where victory comes. You making a Spirit-led choice. Check the list of flesh and spirit fruit. Is there too much of this and not enough of that? 

I know the answer to that. I live in this world also. Too much contention not enough understanding. Too much...well you know where I am going. Look at the list of flesh fruit...anger and outbursts of wrath, temper tantrums...unsurrendered flesh is not a pleasant thing. It is the absence of love, joy, peace…

Failed marriages, foolish motives and foul mindsets. Hurt feelings, defensive attitudes and all of the other things that make you feel uncomfortable. They are all the works of the flesh. The flesh must die...daily. The Fruit of the Spirit can only operate where the flesh no longer rules.

Evil spirits gain access thru open doors of the flesh.  In deliverance, the “main thing” is removing legal rights that a demon may have. If there is unconfessed, unaddressed sin in the individuals life, they are not deliverance candidates.     

So the need for confession of sins of the flesh is absolutely necessary. Many times folks will ask “how do I know if what I am dealing with is demons or just the flesh?”  That is a good question...a simple answer is when in doubt cast it out. Confess and address.

-Don Dickerman, Is the founder of Don Dickerman Ministries, a prolific author, has a powerful anointing for healing and deliverance, and well-know conference speaker.